How to delete Yahoo Mail Account

If you are thinking of deleting your yahoo email account, you might have heard the news of yahoo being hacked and the company was hit by two massive data breaches that were disclosed in 2016.

When Yahoo was launched in 1997 it became one of the most dominant Yahoo Websites on the Internet and yahoo chats, messenger were quite popular at that  time but today Yahoo has been far left behind by its competitors and it’s importance is going down day by day.

Many people were shocked due to these massive data breaches that occurred in 2016 and there is a high possibility that your information or data might be compromised.

What happens if you delete Yahoo! Mail account

By deleting Yahoo Mail account you will be losing emails from your account and Yahoo is also connected with other services like Flickr, My Yahoo, and Yahoo Messenger by deactivating your Yahoo Mail you will be losing your access to these Yahoo services and also your photos and other data stored in this account.

Before deleting your account make sure if you are using any yahoo paid subscription services cancel these services first.

Deleting your Yahoo Email Account

To protect your privacy, just deleting your Yahoo email account is not enough. You must also delete all data from your account.

  • Open Yahoo Delete User page in the web browser and sign in to your Yahoo account. 
  • Enter your Yahoo email ID and in the next screen enter your password then click on Next.
  • Read the terms for terminating the account.
  • Scroll down and click “Continue deleting my account”.

After 90 days, Yahoo will be deleting the information stored in your Yahoo email account. So if you are thinking of deleting your Yahoo account, you need to do it as soon as possible.

How to delete a yahoo email account on your smartphone

Many people add an email account to their smartphone for fast and easy access, so that they can send and receive emails directly from their Android phone. If you want to delete your Yahoo email account, you also need to delete it from your Android phone.

  • Open your Android phone, Go to Yahoo app and find it in the Settings.
  • All email accounts are stored in the Accounts option, so you need to find and open Manage Accounts in the Settings App.Step 3
  • Then go to the Edit in the top right corner, you will find your Yahoo account here.tep 5
  • Finally, click Remove.

These above steps will delete the Yahoo account from your Android phone.

How to erase Yahoo account from your Iphone

If Yahoo account has been added to your IOS device then do these following steps,

  • Open the settings app on the home page from your iphone
  • Select and explain the Mail from the menu.
  • Tap Accounts on the right side.
  • Then select a Yahoo account.
  • Tap Delete Account under Yahoo Account to erase it from your iphone.
  • Press Delete Account again in the process to confirm the box.

How much time it takes for Yahoo email account to be deleted

Once you have confirmed the deletion of your Yahoo email account, you won’t be able to access your mails, photos and other Yahoo services like My Yahoo data, Flickr.

However if you log in to your account within 90 days then your account will be reactivated, if you won’t do anything in the waiting period then your account will be terminated automatically and you won’t be able to recover your account after 90 days.

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